
The reviewer raises an interesting concern. However…

Dear Editor,

We would like to answer to the concerns raised by the reviewer regarding our submitted manuscript. According to the review no new finding has been picked up from the experimental data. We can by no means share this assessment.

[Explanation why.]

Therefore we dissent the rejection of our manuscript on the basis of the reviewers concerns. Since we nevertheless respect the perception of the reviewer, we enclose a revision of our manuscript that allows an even easier recognition of the new findings that have indeed been picked up in our work.

Okay, okay, den letzten Absatz kann ich so nicht stehen lassen… ;-)

Natürlich gibt es auch zu diesem Thema einen passenden PHD-Comic.


2 Responses to “The reviewer raises an interesting concern. However…”

  1. Torsten
    October 5th, 2007 11:17

    Wenn ich mal böse sein darf: “However” ist nicht gerade ein “new finding” :-)

  2. Random Thoughts » “accepted for publication”
    November 12th, 2007 23:18

    […] reviewer #1, eat this: Reviewer #2 Evaluations: RECOMMENDATION: Publish (…) as is Paper Interesting: Yes […]