
Harvard Laws

Apparantly, the following three, very wise observations circulate as Harvard Law I-III:

  1. Under the most rigourously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity, and other variables, the sample will do as it damn well pleases.
  2. A couple hours in the library can frequently be saved by a few months in the lab.
  3. To figure out how long a project is going to take, make a reasonable estimate, multiply by ten and switch to the next higher time unit.

So true.

2 Responses to “Harvard Laws”

  1. st
    October 21st, 2007 14:43

    About the second law:

    a) There is a difference between theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

    b) Now that we have published papers by ourselfes, we know better than to trust in papers ;-).

  2. Arne
    November 10th, 2007 21:20

    Now that we have published papers by ourselfes, we know better than to trust in papers

    Naja… unsere Paper sind doch immer völlig astrein, oder? *hüstel* Ähm. *räusper*

    Jedenfalls, worüber ich mich eigentlich gerade aufregen möchte und weswegen ich nochmal zu diesem alten Thema zurück gekommen bin: Ich verlier das letzte Vertrauen auch einfach nur durch das gründliche Studieren veröffentlichter Paper von anderen. Mannmannmann, es gibt ja so viel Scheiß da draußen!