
Alles ist relativ… / Fiesta Virgen de Carmen in Pizac

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Ersatunlich, wie schnell man sich an andere Preise gewoehnt. Ich war gerade fast empoert, als ich fuer ein Glas frisch gepressten Orangensaft knapp 40 Cent bezahlt habe. In Bolivien hat der nur 25 Cent gekostet. Ist fuer europaische Verhaeltnisse so oder so nicht viel Geld, aber die prozentuale Preiserhoehung, mit der ich durch blossen Grenzuebertritt nach Peru konfrontiert wurde, hat es in sich.

Letzte Nacht bin ich mit einem relativ bequemen Bus von Puno nach Cusco und heute frueh mit einem gewoehnlichen lokalen Bus weiter nach Pizac gefahren. Eigentlichen wollte ich mir nur die Inkaruinen anschauen (was ich auch schon gemacht habe) und dann weiterfahren. Aber heute beginnt hier die viertaetige Fiesta zu Ehren der Virgen de Carmen, da habe ich mich spontan entschlossen, eine Nacht zu bleiben. Heute frueh wurde die Heiligenstatue schon in einer Prozession aus der Stadt gebracht und es sind ueberall in der Stradt immer wieder mal Musikgruppen zu hoeren. Nachher wird die Statue wieder zurueck in die Stadt gebracht, dann geht die Fiesta richtig los. Ich habe schon etwas von Reitern auf dem Stadtplatz, Tanz, kostenlosem Essen und Cervesa gehoert…. klingt gut soweit! :-)

Complaint to British Airways

Monday, May 19th, 2008

Dear Sirs and Madams,

I was referred to customer relations by the service desk in Heathrow. (…)

I was booked on BA911 on May 15th (Frankfurt->Heathrow) with a connection to BA247 (Heathwrow->Buenos Aires). Due to air traffic control problems the first flight was delayed for several hours and I missed the conncetion in Heathrow. In the end, I arrived in Buenos Aires almost 30h later than scheduled. I understand that such an incident is beyond the control of British Airways, however, the way one deals with it is not.

Upon landing in Heathrow we were told on the airplane that the passengers with connceting flights should “follow through arrivals”. Of course I did so. In the baggage claim area of Terminal 5 I found BA staff and explained my situation. They told me, since my luggage was already checked through to Buenos Aires, I should just go to the BA desks in the departure area. However, all desks there were closed and there was no BA staff at all! It was somewhere around midnight by now and I was unable to find anyone from BA to give me assistance. There were also no services running anymore (like the Heathrow Express), just a few construction workers and cleaning personnel was around. Since I had no idea on how to proceed now (when would another flight to Buenos Aires leave? Would BA pay for a hotel if I even managed to get to one near the airport now on my own?) I had to spent the night on a chair in Terminal 5! I can tell you that was not a nice night, without food or any help from BA, and that was definitively not what I expected when I bought a OneWorld/BA-ticket. It took until about 6am on May 16th until I found someone from BA in Terminal 4 to give assistance. From there on it went well, I got vouchers for breakfast, a hotel room for the day and a rebooking for the evening.

I´d like to stress that the service and assistance from BA staff was good when I had the privilige of receiving it, but it is outragous to let paying customers spent the night in the departure hall without *any* assistance or even just information.

Ï´m looking forward to hearing from you soon and would appreciate an apology and an offer on how British Airways is going to compensate me for the ordeal.

Yours sincerely…