
Color online

Extra care should be taken when copying figures into your soon-to-be-submitted manuscript.
Is the data presented in the right way? Are the labels legible? Is the resolution high enough? Is the spell checker disabled?

Spell check in APL

Clipping from Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 132108 (2006).

2 Responses to “Color online”

  1. Bernard Vander Beken
    April 6th, 2007 13:18

    And above all: is it Edward Tufte compliant, eg could I have used SparkLines instead?

  2. st
    April 12th, 2007 12:10

    Da fragt man sich doch auch, wie sowas ins Manuskript kommt. Da wird doch wohl nicht etwa ein screenshot verwendet worden sein?